Saturday 22 February 2014

An Introduction

Hello :)
My first goes.

I want to start a science blog because I love science and I love writing. I hope to go into science writing as a career, so this should be a good start.
I'm an A Level student hoping to study Biochemistry. I'm really passionate about this field and a lot of what I post will probably be to do with it, but I'll try to vary it up as well. Mostly, I'll be posting about things in science that grab my attention - something I've just read in a science magazine, or a particular area that really interests me. Obviously I don't have the scientific knowledge or experience that an undergraduate or postgraduate blogger would, but I'll try to keep my content light-hearted and aimed at people interested in learning more about science (mostly Biology and a bit of Chemistry. I'll give Physics a wide berth unless something particularly grabs my attention - stick to where I'm better acquainted).
I'm going to aim to write about once a fortnight. I would welcome feedback on my blog and requests about what to post.
Most of this information will probably be going in my About Me section when I figure out how to do that :P